My favorite Road, a Hike in the Woods, and a General Store

posted in: South Bay | 1

One of my favorites roads anywhere is the combination of Highway 35 south from San Mateo’s Highway 92 into Woodside and La Honda, combined with Highway 84 from La Honda out to San Gregorio and Pescadero Beach, then up North to Half Moon Bay and Back via Highway 92. Half Moon Bay even calls this their “Signature Drive”. It is scenic, smooth, winding, and addicting. You move from shady Redwoods into open Farmland and on to the Beautiful San Mateo Pacific Coastline. It has everything, including plenty of good stops along the way. This is, without a doubt, the go-to Day Trip that never disappoints. Whether you are entertaining a friend from out of town, want a romantic day with someone, or just want to get away from it all by yourself, this is it.

The Road to Take: Start from the intersection of Highway 92 and interstate 280, heading west on 92 across the Crystal Springs Reservoir towards Half Moon Bay. About 2 miles up, at the top pf the hill you turn left on Highway 35 South (you might have to wait for a break in traffic here!). Take Highway 35 South through a winding redwood forest, about 6 miles to the intersection of Highway 84 in the “Sky Londa” part of Woodside. Along the way, there are hiking options in Purisma Creek, Huddart Park, El Corte de Madera Creek. If you’ve never been up here, just enjoy the drive. Don’t worry, you’ll be back again. There is more to see. Arriving in Sky Londa, you’ll be turning right onto Highway. 84. This intersection is known as “Four Corners” and is a haven for bicyclists, motorcyclists, and car enthusiasts. On weekends, it can be very crowded in the parking lots of the store and Alice’s Restaurant. Stop in and give the locals some business, they’re nice people. Walk around and check out the local cars and bikes. Everyone is chatty here.

From this intersection, you can go south on Highway 35 to Boulder Creek (the subject of another later post), or you can head West on Highway 84 towards Pescadero and San Gregorio and the Coast. That’s my suggestion for this trip, to head to Memorial Park and then on to the Coast from there. As you turn onto Highway 84, the redwood forest gets deep and dark and wonderful. You find your way to the town of La Honda, and maybe a stop at “Apple Jack’s”, and continue on to turn on Pescadero Creek Road to get to San Mateo’s Memorial Park.

What to Do/See: Memorial County Park is about as beautiful a place to walk in the woods as anywhere. Don’t let the fact that it isn’t a State or National Park fool you, it is world class. Check the Park’s map for ideas on where to go, but just a creek walk is a great thing to do.

After a nice hike in the woods, continue on Pescadero Creek Road out West until it rejoins Highway 1. Take a right turn and head North on Highway 1, enjoy the Pacific Ocean sensory feast on the your left, , and maybe stop at any beaches here. Pescadero and San Gregorio are favorites. When you see Highway 84 again, you can turn inland and take the short 1 mile detour to the San Gregorio General Store. You never know what you’ll find there, maybe even a band of locals playing music while you order a latte’.

I like to continue up the road North on Highway 1 and get myself to Half Moon Bay at this point, and go visit the Ritz Carlton Resort. It has an amazing view over the bluffs to the ocean and over the golf course. It has Adirondack Chairs by the fire pits and a great restaurant and bar. Great way to end your day for dinner or a happy hour snack. When you’re done, you just head on North to where Highway 1 intersects again with Highway 92, and you turn East and back to San Mateo where you started. The whole drive could take you less than 90 minutes if you never stop. But you will. Take all day and enjoy it. Maybe bring a lunch picnic for the hike in Memorial Park.

I think I may head there right now.

Adult Beverage Option: Another great option is to go South from Pescadero to the Highway 1 Brewing Company, but that will be covered in another Day Trip.

  1. Gustavo Castro

    Love your idea “Backroads” Dave. Thanks for the suggestions and look forward to more of your articles. See you at the “40” reunion?

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